Media - Inveo Certification

Rev.01 of ISDP©10003:2020 has been released.

INVEO srl, as scheme owner, announces that the new version of the certification scheme ISDP©10003:2020, an international scheme for assessing compliance with the European Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR), already accredited by Accredia on a voluntary basis, according to ISO/IEC 17065, has been released. The scheme is freely downloadable online.

ADNkronos, Dec. 12, 2019. The ISDP©10003:2018 certification scheme, accredited by Accredia (Single Accreditation Body under Art. 2fdecies Legislative Decree 101/2018) according to the UNI EN ISO 17065 standard, in order to assess compliance with the GDPR is now available free of charge at
Made to respond to the operational rules since 2018, the ISDP©10003 scheme is voluntary and applicable to all types of organizations that want to demonstrate their Accountability by specifying requirements for the management in fairness, security and compliance of individuals' personal data with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of personal data. The ISDP©10003 certification scheme, provides assurance that the organization has carried out processing and compliance operations in accordance with the GDPR.

The European Commission's Study on GDPR certification mechanisms ex art.42 and 43, which came out in final version in the past few days, highlights that ISDP©10003 is among the 15 best certification schemes internationally and one of the two that are compliant with the purpose set out in art. 42 of the GDPR.